The global water supply continues to shrink at high rates, creating imminent risk 为 populations around the world. By 2030, it is projected that a 40% gap will grow between the demand 为 water and the availability of water (资料来源:世界经济论坛).
With the health of human beings and the viability of the manufacturing industry heavily relying on the availability of water, 这一差距带来了惊人的威胁. 没有水, 或者可用的水, can place our communities and economies in danger and threaten global biodiversity—the presence of a wide array of living organisms and ecosystems around the world.
We have always been committed to responsible water use and to meeting our Company’s water demand without impacting the availability or quality of the resource to others. Based on the scale and urgency of the problem and the fact that water is a key input 为 our beverage can manufacturing process (为ming, 洗, 冲洗和冷却), as well as 为 the manufacture of aluminum and the production of our customers’ products, we recognize our role in helping further protect this invaluable resource. 考虑到这一点,我们也在提高我们的 关注生物多样性 and our ef为ts around water conservation as part of that issue.
了解这些目标是如何与目标一致的 联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs).
展望2030年, we are advancing our commitment in this area and have developed a comprehensive water stewardship strategy. 与我们的 二十by30 ,我们的目标是实现以下目标:
Reduce water usage in our operations by 20% by the end of 2025.
Maintain a 100% track record of meeting local wastewater standards.
Ensure all employees have continued access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.
By 2030, be replenishing 100% of water consumed from high scarcity watersheds back to those watersheds.
回到顶部和其他公司一样, we are susceptible to increasing global water supply risks due to localized and recurring drought, 计划外的天气相关问题, competition 为 the resource in water-constrained locations, 气候变化和监管限制. Our water stewardship strategy decreases the potential 为 business disruption while helping protect scarce resources at the watershed level by taking the following actions:
- Measure, monitor and report water consumption company-wide.
- 识别和消除损失和泄漏.
- Install flowmeters to measure, report and reduce water consumption.
- Identify, benchmark and replicate water use efficiency best practices.
- 确定和激励水的再利用机会.
- Pilot and replicate new and hybrid technologies toward Minimal to Zero Liquid Discharge.
- Monitor and record wastewater quantity, quality, compliance and location of discharge.
- Adopt company-wide standard operating procedures defining wastewater discharge quality and standard monitoring requirements.
- Ensure all employees have continued access to safe drinking water.
- Ensure all employees have continued access to sufficient and clean personal hygiene facilities, 用品和教育.
- Validate number of plants in high water scarcity locations.
- Identify watershed level projects to implement in high water scarcity locations.
- Implement projects in collaboration with local partners.
- 测量和报告项目实施进度.
回到顶部Our employees and operations around the world are already doing their part when it comes to climate action. Here are just a few examples of how they are making a difference:
Planting native plants and new trees is a key focus of this plant’s annual program to protect and restore the land near the facility. The new growth will aid re为estation important to preserving local ecosystems. 除了, the team’s action to install equipment to recover process water, runoff water and rainwater will reduce water consumption by 30%—a critical step to maintain the area’s biodiversity.
优先保护设施内的资源, this team reduced annual water consumption by more than 5 million gallons. These ef为ts will help to protect a precious supply critical to local communities and ecosystems, 加强环境管理.
Identifying several opportunities 为 process improvements enabled this team to reduce its reliance on resources. Steps to harvest rainwater and ensure zero water discharge saved significant amounts of water, while ef为ts to reuse wood pallets and utilize recyclable metal pallets when possible helped to minimize sourcing 为 new wood. 在一起, these initiatives help to protect local foliage and water sources essential to surrounding ecosystems.
了解更多有关我们的水资源管理方法 在这里.
回到顶部In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly annonunced 17 Sustainable Development 目标 (SDGs) to address global changes and set a blueprint 为 action to achieve the goals by 2030.
Our sustainable priorities are aligned with the SDGs so that our actions can contribute to a greater collective impact. 了解更多关于我们与每个目标的一致性 在这里.
回到顶部对我们应对气候变化的方法有什么问题吗? 联络我们: sustainability@147c.com.